Registration and Submission


Early Registration
With Accommodation: $650
Without Accommodation: $450
Transfer Fee: $70
Daily Registration: $200
Late Registration
With Accommodation: $800
Without Accommodation: $600
Transfer Fee: $70
Daily Registration: $200

Hybrid (Outside TRNC) Participation: $300

30% discount for Near East University Students and Academicians


Early Registration
With Accommodation: $450
Without Accommodation: $250
Transfer Fee: $70
Daily Registration: $100
Late Registration
With Accommodation: $600
Without Accommodation: $400
Transfer Fee: $70
Daily Registration: $100

Hybrid (Outside TRNC) Participation: $200

30% discount for Near East University Students and Academicians

Firm Representative


With Accommodation: $800
Without Accommodation: $600
Transfer Fee: $70
Daily Registration: $250

Biotech Company Supports

Gold: $3000

Silver: $2000

Bronze: $1000

Important Dates
20 September 2024: Abstract Submission Deadline
10 September 2024: Early Registration
20 October 2024: Full Text Submission Deadline
15 October 2024: Late Registration Deadline

Instructions for Authors

Abstract Formatting:

  • The abstract should be structured with the following subheadings: Background/Aims, Material and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • The word limit for the abstract is 250 words.

Manuscript Guidelines

  • Manuscripts submitted for oral presentation and considered for publication are limited to 4 pages, including references.
  • The manuscript text should be in Times New Roman, font size 10, while headings and subheadings should be in font size 11.
  • Use 1.0 line spacing throughout the manuscript.
  • The manuscript must include at least 3 keywords.
  • All submitted manuscripts must be prepared using the Vancouver reference style.

Payment Options
Payment of registration fees must be made in USD currency. The payment options are as follow:

  • Wire Transfer
  • Payment Link

Bank transfer
Payments need to be made without charges to the beneficiary. Clearly state the registration number, payment order number and delegate’s name when processing the transaction.

IBAN: TR03 0006 4000 0016 8180 6847 33

Near East Bank Account Number: 600023500

Yakın Doğu Turizm ve Seyahat İşletmeleri ltd

You can book your accommodation through the following links:

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